18 Month Pledge Commitment
10 years ago, the Lord saw fit to put a call on our Pastor’s heart to plant this church in Fayetteville. Not only has our God abundantly blessed us, He has also saved lives, restored relationships, broken chains of addictions, and healed sick marriages!
Our attendance has remained strong throughout the years and by the grace of God, He grew our church during a pandemic when so many church doors were closed. Time and time again, we have seen the evidence of His presence in our midst. His providential hand has sustained us over the past 10 years and allowed us to worship in this location while doing our best to make repairs and keep this facility nice.
With that said, we feel strongly that the Lord has now placed us on a journey to find a permanent home for our church. We feel a great responsibility to stop taking kingdom dollars to pay rent; but instead take those kingdom dollars and invest into a permanent home for our church.
We are uniquely blessed with a large children’s ministry, and we desire to have a gospel centered legacy to pass on to our children as we watch them grow in their Christian walk.
We have been on this journey for a year now and have raised a little over $50k. Now it’s time to double down on our efforts and start to ask for sacrificial giving. We have a big amount of money that we will need to raise in order to move forward in finding a permanent home; but we also know that we serve a big God that answers big prayers!
Our first financial goal will be for us to raise $650k over the next 18 months, which is only a third of what we will need. By accomplishing this goal, we can take our first step towards purchasing land or an old convertible space for our needs.
As you know, God does not need our money. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and all the money in the world is His! He has uniquely blessed each of us with a certain amount of money to steward while we are on this earth.
We have a blessed opportunity to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We have an opportunity to invest in something that has eternal impact vs. investing in something that is fleeting or in material things that will waste away. We get the opportunity to sacrificially give to a cause that changes lives (mine…yours…our children’s) forever and brings hope to the lost!
We are kicking off a building fund pledge campaign and want to invite everyone to sign up for an 18-month pledge.
No amount is too small.
Online pledge payment options: